
All wheel drive dongfeng 12 cbm water fire fighting truck

All wheel drive dongfeng 12 cbm water fire fighting truck

3 units dongfeng brand water fire fighting trucks are ready for inspecting,all red color shinning in the Sun.

RunTrucks Blog

Introduction of Fecal Sewage treatment and purification truck

Introduction of Fecal Sewage treatment and purification truck

Fecal Sewage treatment and purification truck is made by our company in order to fecal(septic) tank harmless treatment and research and development, the truck mainly include the special chassis, generator sets, sewage separation system, spiral dehydration system, dosing system, and other components. The vehicle can be septic tank of sewage into the separation box, first by the sewage separation system to separate the non degradable inorganic substances, the separation of dirt into the dehydration system, the waste residue compression dehydration, compressed into a cake can be used for organic fertilizer. Wastewater directly into the sewage treatment system, 

RunTrucks Blog